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Given the high cost of fuel for your transport option, what would you say to a 5% reduction in fuel costs? How much better if we told you that our customers have seen up to 19% fuel cost and CO2 savings when using our module to deliver best-practice driving?

Drivers can be trained to perform smooth acceleration and braking, optimise cruise control utilisation and avoid excessive idling. The driving style management module produces comprehensible debrief reports using red, amber and green colour-coding to recognise where superior skills already exist, and where further training may be required. The system’s red, amber and green coding system is controlled by threshold values that you set to reflect acceptable levels for your company.

Our system provides a wide range of pre-set driving-style parameters, giving complete control over the contents of every debrief report. Metrics include fuel economy, harsh acceleration, over revving and idling time. The results are presented in clear, unambiguous driving style reports enabling constructive debrief discussions leading to objective recommendations for improvements.

The CANbus engine management module generates instant driving style reports that are proven to save fuel costs when integrated with daily driver debriefs.